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Vice Chair

Service Position: Vice Chair


Length of Service: 1 – 3 year


Qualifications: 12 months of not incurring unsecured debt

                     2 Pressure Relief Meetings


1. If Chair is absent: 

  • Facilitates the monthly Intergroup meeting in accordance with meeting format (ensures meeting starts and ends on time)

  • Prepares and distributes the Intergroup Meeting Agenda

2. Supports the Chair in the facilitation and direction of the efforts of MN Intergroup

3. Monitors MN Intergroup email at and responds to email as needed

4. Attend monthly Intergroup meeting

5. Performs tasks as needed and directed by Chair

6. Trains to step into Chair role (optional)


Estimated time commitment per month: 1 - 3 hours



  • Recommended that the Vice Chair be familiar with 12 Traditions and 12 Concepts of Service

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